Velo-city 2017, Largest Cycling Planning / Advocacy Conference in World, Just 3 Months Away!
It is less than three months to go to Velo-city 2017, the largest and undoubtedly the most stimulating and multi-dimensional cycling planning conference in the world. This year it takes place in Arnhem-Nijmegen in The Netherlands. Members of Dublin Cycling Campaign and Cyclist.ie have been attending Velo-city for well over 20 years and it continues to inspire us. We can’t wait for this one and to reconnect with our campaigning colleagues from all over the world.
It is expected that there will be between 1500 and 2000 delegates at the event. This will include cycling advocates/campaigners/activists, transport policy-makers/politicians, academics, bicycle industry people, officials from local, national and European levels, consultants and specialists from the transportation / traffic engineering / planning / public health and related fields…….. and many more! In essence, Velo-city brings together the main actors working to make urban and rural areas bicycle-friendly for all ages and abilities, and to help normalise cycling. So, no better place to head to than The Netherlands for this event!
The sessions will cover every aspect of cycling planning/advocacy work, such as cycle-friendly spatial planning, cycling inclusive road design, infrastructural issues, recreational cycling / EuroVelo long distance routes, cycling and public health, cultural aspects of bicycling, cycle-logistics/cargo bikes…. the list goes on!
Given that Velo-city moves to Dublin in 2019 (see here), it is really important that as many senior players from Irish government departments / agencies and local councils attend the event so as to get a sense of the latest thinking in cycling policy and practice. Ideally we should have at least one person from every Local Authority in Ireland attending so that good ideas on cycling provision spread far and wide around Ireland after the event. We are also hopeful that both the Road Safety Authority and Garda Síochána send senior representatives so as to meet their Dutch counterparts and understand how much safer cycling is in this part of Europe!
While the event is not cheap - it is pitched at a professional level - it is open to anyone to go. So, if you are a professional working in the transportation or public health field, and want to experience an intensive and immersive event and arrive back home with enough ideas and contacts to keep you going for many years, then do consider going and/or passing on the details to your work colleagues.
In any case, Dublin Cycling Campaign / Cyclist.ie will be organising a public meeting in the month(s) after Velo at which we will do our best to disseminate all of the best ideas we come across - and that event will be free! Watch this space.
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