Sutton to Malahide greenway
Sutton to Malahide greenway
Fingal County Council had a recent meeting discussing the future plans of the Sutton to Malahide greenway. The link to the webcast discussion is here: , In response to 3 different Cllrs asking similar questions ( Cllr Heally, Cllr E’ O’Brien and Cllr Lavin ) on the current status of the greenway the council reported reported that construction work has been completed on the Baldoyle to Portmarnock section of the Sutton to Malahide Greenway and the scheme was opened in June 2020 and is proving to be a great success. The emerging preferred route for remaining sections from Sutton to Baldoyle and Portmarnock to Malahide is currently being advanced. A study on Portmarnock village has been undertaken by the project landscape architects to identify potential public realm improvements to be incorporated in the scheme. It is programmed to carry out a non statutory consultation on the emerging preferred route for the remaining sections (Sutton to Baldoyle and Portmarnock to Malahide) and the detail of this consultation is currently being considered with a view to commencing this consultation in early 2021. A further round of consultation may be undertaken on the final preferred route to facilitate a planning application, along with any CPO’s, to be made to An Bord Pleanala in late 2021. The remaining sections from Sutton to Baldoyle and Portmarnock to Malahide are being progressed as one scheme through design and planning and the project team do not envisage a change in this position.
More details on the questions/Motions submitted: Motion 17, 19 and 21 were specific to Sutton and Malahide greenway
Item 17 Councillor D. Healy - Progress with the Sutton to Malahide Greenway design study “That this Committee wishes to advise the Chief Executive to report on progress with the Sutton to Malahide Greenway design study.”
Item 19. Advisory Note - Councillor E. O’Brien - Sutton to Malahide cycle way scheme - AI055179 “That this Committee wishes to advise the Chief Executive to report on the progress of the Sutton to Malahide cycle way scheme.”
Item 21 Councillor A. Lavin - Cycleway through Portmarnock Village and onto Malahide - AI055380 “That this Committee wishes to advise that the Chief Executive to give an update on the preferred route for the cycleway through and around Portmarnock Village and onto Malahide.”

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