Sandymount to Blackrock Corridor Consultation
We are happy to see a significant proposal for a big improvement not just for cycling, but for walking, public transport and driving. We are actively looking for your comments and feedback to add to our submission on this public consultation.
You can send us your thoughts both publicly and privately on Facebook, Twitter and email using dublincycling@gmail.com . You may also wish to post out loud on Twitter where we suggest using #cyclingblackrock to facilitate open discussion.
Please also send your observations directly to the NTA as part of the public consultation and consider the perspectives of using other modes of transport in your submission.
You can see the official documentation on the NTA website here https://www.nationaltransport.ie/consultations/nta-opens-consultation-on…
The consultation is open until Friday 17:00, 16th December 2016.
You may also like to read up on the original S2S Scheme on the website http://s2s.ie/
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