Public Meeting - Why we Cycle - Thu 12 Sept 2024 - Report

After taking a little break over the summer, Dublin Cycling Campaign’s Public Meeting returned to Buswells Hotel last night (Thursday 12th Sept) with a special session on the topic of ‘Why we cycle?’. The room was packed and the vibe noticeably upbeat – Zoom will never match the conviviality of in person meetings!

We had eleven speakers reflecting on their cycling habits and on why they use a bicycle (or an e-bike) as part of their daily lives. The speakers are listed below.

To kick-off, Dublin Cycling Campaign’s Chairperson Úna Morrison reminded the politicians present, representing almost all of the political parties in the country, that all parties need to commit to a continued significant investment in high quality cycling networks in both urban and rural areas, and providing well located and secure cycle parking facilities at all of the destinations we use. Additionally, there needs to be a stronger focus on completely changing driving standards and behaviours so that the most vulnerable on the roads have safe travelling experiences.

The speakers presented in this order:

  • Úna Morrison (Dublin Cycling Campaign Chairperson)
  • Cllr. Ray Cunningham (Green Party)
  • Dimitri O’Donnell (RTÉ)
  • Cllr. Daithí Doolan (Sinn Féin)
  • Senator Marie Sherlock (Labour Party)
  • Dr. Maeve Eogan (Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist at the Rotunda Hospital)
  • Trudie Joras (Dublin Cycling Campaign member)
  • Jim O’Callaghan TD (Fianna Fáil)
  • Caitríona Kenny (Community Roots)
  • Cllr. Jen Cummins (Social Democrats)
  • Michael Grehan (a science teacher)

Some common themes commented on by speakers were the freedoms associated with first having access to bikes growing up, to the unrivalled flexibility and guaranteed journey times that cycling offers to those needing to attend multiple meetings and do many errands in the one day. The joy of being out and about in the air and being visible and accessible (to constituents!) was also mentioned by several of the politicians.

Midway through prodeedings, Mairéad Forsythe and Damien Ó Tuama (both from Dublin Cycling Campaign / Irish Cycling Campaign) and Lucy Hayes (Cycling and Walking Officer with Dublin City Council) reminded the audience of some upcoming events:

All in all, it was a lovely sociable gathering and great to see so many Dublin Cycling Campaigners continuing the conversations after the more formal part of the evening.

Dublin Cycling Campaign sincerely thanks all of the speakers who presented, with some only having been contacted a few hours beforehand. A special thanks also to our Campaign Chairperson, Úna Morrison, and Vice-Chairperson, Siobhán McNamara, for organising this meeting.

We will be posting details of our next public meeting on as soon as they are confirmed. Finally, note that Dublin Cycling Campaign is part of the national body Irish Cycling Campaign and our public meetings are open to all of our ICC/DCC members and to other members of the public interested in transport issues.

Thanks to Trudie, Colm, Damien and Miren for the photos.

We note also the apologies received from Gino Kenny TD, and from Fine’s Gael’s Deputy Richard Bruton that FG were not able to send a representative to the Campaign public meeting due to prior commitments.

News Item

Friday, 13 September 2024 - 4:30pm

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