Dublin Supermarket Bike Parking Survey
We know that many of you are living your lives more locally these days and probably using local supermarkets more often than usual. We in Dublin Cycling Campaign want to find out about the quality of bike parking at these supermarkets.
The survey will establish a baseline, highlight areas for improvement, and guide supermarket management to invest in upgrading and enhancing their customers’ shopping experience.
Below is the survey link which should only take 2-3 minutes to complete.
Click here to fill out the survey.
If you visit several supermarkets, and want to give feedback on each, please complete the survey form separately for each supermarket.
Please pass the survey on to friends and promote on social media.
The survey will be open till 15th June and results will be communicated during the summer.
As well as answering some questions, we’re asking you to take a photo of the shop exterior including bike racks (if any) & email it to shopbybike@dublincycling.com or tweet it to @dublincycling using the hashtag #ShopByBikeDublin.
For more information about quality bike parking design see our design guide for Bike Parking Infrastructure.
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