The Growth of Cycling in Dublin City

Dublin Cycling Campaign receives frequent queries (from research students and other members of the public) in regard to the growth of cycling in Dublin city.

Drawing on Dublin City Council’s raw data from their annual canal cordon counts (carried out every November), we compiled the graph above. This shows the steady growth in cycling commuting into the city since the mid-2000’s - after a decade (or several) of decline. You will note, of course, that this data does not include the trips which start and finish within the canal cordon and the trips which do not cross the canal cordon at all (e.g. ‘orbital’ trips). The numbers of everyday cyclists in Dublin are multiples of those shown in the above graph!

While there are undoubtedly many forces shaping the trends, the unrelenting work of Dublin Cycling Campaign is making a real difference - we are pushing cycling at every opportunity, on every committee imaginable and in every submission we produce (of which there are many!).

If you are not already a member of the Campaign, please join today! There are great benefits available for a very modest fee (reductions in prices in many bike shops and cafés etc.) and your subscription helps us create a more bicycle friendly Dublin. Do please spread the word about our work - changes in traffic policy and practice don’t ‘just casually happen all by themselves’!

News Item

Saturday, 4 April 2015 (All day)

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